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5 Tips to Keeping Your Email Private

Email was one of the first modes of online communication, and arguably, the most successful. Even with the introduction of other messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Signal, the number of global email users has continued to steadily increase. In 2020, there were four billion users, and this is expected to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. 

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Quick Guide to Phishing

It all starts with an email from something that appears to be from a trustworthy source designed to lure a victim. The message could look like a request from the bank, your Internet provider, or even the company you work for or follow. They usually contain a link to click or an attachment to download.

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Quick Guide to Social Media Privacy

When used correctly, social media can be used for good; it can help promote business, build and maintain connections to family, friends, coworkers, and potential business associates, and provide endless hours of entertainment. By nature, social media sites are used to share user-generated content; it is central to the function of these sites. While this sharing may not necessarily be a bad thing, it is important to be aware of the privacy concerns.

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Read Between the Privacy Policies Lines

As a citizen of the 21st century, it’s most likely that you have browsed the Internet, shopped online, or even binged on a “television” series. If you have done any of these activities online, you probably have been asked to agree on Terms of Use and Privacy Policies.

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Tips on Creating a Strong Password

Upper case, lower case, numbers, symbols, the tears of your enemies…a strong password creation sometimes requires thought and patience, and even though we have been using the internet for quite a while, most people still struggle with this task.

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New Year’s Online Safety Commandments

If you are into privacy like we are, these online privacy commandments are for you! Plus they’re way easier and more fulfilling than diets and excercise!

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Things We Love About StartMail

We, as StartMail employees, are also StartMail users, which helps us understand our product in the best way possible and adapt it into something functional and practical for our daily activities

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Safety Tips for Black Friday Online Shopping

We all love a good deal when acquiring our favorite items, and Black Friday is the paradise for those who love to save and shop. Here are some tips & tricks to protect your personal data & enjoy some nice retail therapy!

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Endpoint Security Working From Home

With the rise of coronavirus cases, many companies have been forced to change their working scheme and adapt to a completely remote environment. For some, not much changed, but for others, the work-from-home situation was uncharted territory that introduced potential security traps. […]

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How Scammers Get Your Private Email Address (And What You Can Do About It)

Have you ever received a strange email and wondered how it got into your inbox?

You’re not alone. Spammers send over 14.5 billion spam emails a day – a total of 45% of all emails sent. You’ve likely […]