Create Unlimited Email Aliases with StartMail

Create Unlimited Email Aliases with StartMail

Sharing your email address can expose more information than you might think. As a trusted and secure email provider, StartMail provides unlimited email aliases with every account, enabling you to protect your primary address and privacy with each distinct alias you create.

Try 7 days for free!
A StartMail illustration of 3 masks representing our unlimited alias feature
  • icon cursor
    PGP encrypted emails
  • icon aliases
    Unlimited email aliases
  • icon custom domain
    Unlimited custom domains
  • icon email spam
    Advanced spam protection
  • icon storage
    30GB email storage
A screenshot of StartMail's interface of the different email Aliases; Custom aliases, Burner aliases, and Domain aliases.

What is an email alias?

An email alias is a secondary email address that forwards messages to your primary inbox or a separate folder. It acts as a shield, allowing you to sign up for services or interact with websites and individuals without revealing your real email address. This helps prevent spam and phishing and makes it harder to track your online activities.

Every StartMail account comes with an unlimited number of email alias addresses. Choose from instant burner aliases for temporary use or personal aliases for ongoing privacy.

How to use email aliases

  • Image of a 'Step 1'. A Facebook sign-up form. The form requires an email address and is prefilled with ''. A 'Sign Up!' button is visible. Next to the form, a symbolic mask represents the use of an anonymous email alias, emphasizing privacy and security.

    Sign up with an email alias

    Before you sign up for a new account or subscribe to a newsletter, consider creating a unique email alias. StartMail lets you generate an unlimited number of aliases so you won't have to disclose your primary email address ever again, ensuring the privacy of your personal information.

  • Image of 'Step 2' featuring two masks with envelopes passing between them, symbolizing the exchange and use of email aliases. This represents the privacy and security provided by using different aliases for email communications.

    Communicate in privacy

    Any email sent to your email alias address will be instantly forwarded to your inbox or a designated custom folder. The sender will never know your real email address. You can also reply and send emails from the alias completely anonymously.

  • Image of 'Step 3' featuring two masks representing email aliases. One mask has a dotted outline with an 'off' toggle, indicating the alias is disabled and can be activated or deactivated. The other mask is partially in full color and partially in dotted lines, with a 'plus' sign, symbolizing the creation of a new alias. This represents the user's control over managing and establishing email aliases for privacy.

    Easily manage your aliases

    Should one of your aliases be compromised or receive unwanted email, you can deactivate or delete it and set up a new one at any time. Keep tabs on usage with alias notes, set expiry dates for temporary aliases, and sort incoming emails into specific folders with automatic filtering.

Benefits of using email aliases

Use unique aliases for each service and keep your main email for important interactions only!

  • icon of a binocular representing being tracked

    Avoid tracking based on your email address

    Advertisers and data brokers use your email to track online activity. Using a unique alias for every service means your email cannot be tied to other personal data.

  • icon of a flag

    Spot where your data has been leaked or sold

    Easily track where your data has been leaked or sold. If spam starts coming in to a specific alias, you know exactly which company has compromised your privacy.

  • Icon of 2 stacks of coins, representing Competitive Commissions

    Save on shopping without compromising privacy

    Retailers often offer a discount if you sign up with your email address. Use disposable email addresses to cash in on that coupon without compromising your privacy.

  • Icon of a trash can

    Cut down on junk mail and spam!

    If you start receiving large amounts of junk mail to a specific email alias, you can simply delete the alias and create a new one.

  • icon of a hooded hacker behind a laptop representing identity theft

    Protection from identity theft

    If you have one email that ties together all aspects of your life, it’s easier for someone to find out enough information about you and impersonate you.

  • icon of a folder

    Enjoy an organized inbox

    Control inbox clutter by disabling or deleting aliases as needed. You can also add notes and filter emails that come through an alias directly into a separate folder.

See all blog articles

Secure your email privacy with a trusted brand

  • illustration of an envelope with a hand holding a magnifying glass

    No Ads, no tracking

    Break free from Big Tech

    Unlike Big Tech email providers, we don't make money off tracking your email activity, profiling you or serving intrusive ads. Startmail will never serve you ads, and protects you from identity theft, spam and phishing attacks.

  • StartMail Illustration of StartMail's unlimited aliases. A hand holding an unidentified mask.

    Unlimited aliases

    Protect yourself with anonymous aliases

    Need to provide an email address to sign up for an online service but want to protect your real identity? With StartMail you can generate unlimited disposable email addresses on the fly. Keeping your identity safe and your main email address free of spam.

  • An illustration of one hand holding a lock which has an encryption code all over it. And a hand holding a key with the same encryption code. This image represents the email sender holding the lock and the email receiver holding the key. Only the receiver can unlock the lock (encrypted message).

    Encrypted emails

    Keep your email between you and your recipients

    Unencrypted email can be intercepted, and sensitive data can easily land in the wrong hands. With StartMail you can send encrypted emails to anyone, even if the recipient doesn’t use encryption. This ensures that other people can’t read your confidential messages, ever.

Top tech and privacy brands talk about StartMail

Don't just take our word for it – industry experts have consistently endorsed our unlimited email alias feature. With endorsements from top privacy advocates and testimonials from satisfied users, StartMail's secure email service is recognized and trusted by those who prioritize their privacy.

Logo's of IMAP options. First logo: Outlook, second logo the new logo for Apple Mail and the old logo for Apple Mail, and the third logo: Thunderbird.

Finally a simple and secure email solution you can use with your favorite email client

You can use StartMail with your favorite email client like AppleMail, Outlook or Thunderbird on desktop and mobile, or try our fast and intuitive webmail.

Enjoy the freedom to choose what suits you best, wherever you are. We make sure it’s simple, secure and private!

A secure email solution for those who prioritize their privacy, security, and freedom.

Try 7 days for free! Cancel anytime / Payment details required

Why choose StartMail?

  • StartMail illustration of a hand holding an envelope representing email

    Effortless management

    Take charge of your inbox

    We believe in empowering you to control your privacy. With us, you have complete control over your aliases, enabling you to manage them according to your preferences. Whether you need to add notes, create, modify, or delete aliases, StartMail grants you the authority to tailor your privacy settings to meet your needs.

  • StartMail illustration of a hand holding a security shield representing StartMail's European based GDPR privacy legislation

    European privacy

    GDPR compliance assured

    At StartMail, we take pride in being GDPR compliant, offering European-based privacy standards for our email service. Your data is shielded by the most stringent privacy standards, affording you peace of mind knowing that your information is secure.

  • A StartMail illustration of a hand holding a privacy lock

    Trusted solution

    A decade of privacy expertise

    With over a decade of experience in providing trusted privacy solutions, StartMail is a name you can count on. Our secure email service has garnered the trust of users worldwide, and our commitment to privacy remains. Join the hundreds of thousands who have chosen StartMail to safeguard their communication.

Two StartMail interfaces, the first says 'Welcome to StartMail's Migration Portal. The second says 'What email account do you want to migrate from? It shows different logos from email clients, such as Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo.


Enjoy a smooth transfer of your emails and contacts to StartMail, with 24/7 support and no technical skills required

  • Transfer your entire mailbox, including messages and contacts, all in real time, with zero downtime and 100% secure!
  • Our user-friendly migration toolkit guides you through the process step-by-step to ensure a seamless transition.
  • Our top-notch support team is always available to answer your questions and provide guidance as you transition to a secure email solution!
☑ I'm moving to StartMail for privacy & security

Don’t just take our word for it


    Simple pricing for premium privacy

    Best Deal

    All plans include:

    • No entry icon
      No ads, no tracking
    • Aliases icon
      Unlimited aliases
    • Lock icon
      Send encrypted emails to anyone

    Better privacy for your email

    Built by the founders of Startpage - the world’s most private search engine.

    Short clip of the StartMail Video. An illustration of a desktop on a desk with a clock and a potted plant to the left and photo frames on the wall on the right. The desktop displays the StartMail logo. The content of the desktop gets folded into a paper plane, an illustrated hand grabs the paper plane and trows it back to the desktop. The paper plane is unfolded to the original image and displays the StartMail logo .

    Watch the video to learn how StartMail protects your privacy.

    • No ads, no tracking
    • Secure encryption methods
    • Unlimited email aliases

    ...and much more!

    Everything your private and secure mailbox needs is here

    Learn how StartMail can protect your online communication and don't ever pay with your privacy again!

    • icon aliases

      Unlimited aliases

      Unique extra email addresses you can create and delete at any time. Help to keep your main address exclusive, and prevent spam and phishing.

    • icon storage

      20GB of storage

      Keep all your important messages safely stored in one place. With StartMail, you'll never have to worry about running out of space.

    • icon no ads

      No ads, no tracking

      Your privacy is our top priority. We don't track your email activity, serve ads, or sell your data. You're in control of your data at all times.

    • icon customer support

      Great customer support

      If you need help, we are there for you. Our support team consists of humans who use StartMail daily - no chatbots found here.

    • icon trusted devices

      Works with any email app

      StartMail works with your favorite email app, such as Thunderbird, Outlook, or Apple Mail. Full IMAP/SMTP access for your ultimate freedom.

    • icon add contact

      Import Google or iOS contacts

      Export a vCard of your contacts from Google or iOS and simply upload the file into StartMail. All your existing contacts are added at once.

    • icon custom domain

      Use your own domain

      Custom Domain

      Send and receive secure email from your own email domain. For example,

    • icon cursor

      PGP encrypted emails

      We make it easy to keep your emails secure with PGP encryption. With just one click, you can encrypt your email with PGP and ensure that only the intended recipients can read your message.

    • icon email spam

      Say goodbye to spam

      Tired of spam cluttering your inbox? Our personal and private spam filter allows you to train it to recognize and redirect new spam emails out of your inbox. Enjoy a cleaner and more organized inbox.

    • icon link

      Malicious link protection

      Stay safe online with our built-in malicious link protection. We'll warn you if you click on an external link and show you the full web address, so you can decide whether to proceed or not.

    • icon gdpr

      Compliant with GDPR for European data protection

      Our headquarters and servers are located in the Netherlands, ensuring that your emails and data are protected by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the world's highest privacy standard.

    • icon cross

      Block tracking pixels

      We protect your privacy by blocking tracking pixels, which are often used to monitor your email activity. By default we hide senders’ external images. You have the option to display images from trusted senders.

    • icon 2fa

      Account access with 2FA

      We offer two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect your account from unauthorized access. This means that even if someone gains knowledge of your password, they won't be able to access your account without your verification device.

    • icon seperate organise

      Organize your inbox with filters

      Create filters to automatically sort your emails into specific folders and keep your inbox neat and tidy.

    • icon ip pin

      Hidden IP addresses

      Emails you send contain headers that include your IP address. We hide the IP address to prevent you from being tracked.

    • icon search

      Effortlessly find any email

      Our advanced search tool helps you find any email you are looking for. Whether you need a simple search or more advanced filtering, we've got you covered!

    • icon layout

      Inbox customization

      Choose how you want to view your inbox. Read your emails with the classic layout or decrease the spacing to quickly scan through your messages. Protect your eyes with our built-in dark mode.

    Frequently asked questions